Lightscape you leave me here
Lightscape you leave me here

Lightscape you leave me here professional#

From professional skills to personal growth, you have helped me in so many ways. #17 From you, my esteemed colleagues, I learned so much. Thank you for all the camaraderie, the support, and the happy times. #16 Farewells are never easy, but I leave grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you, my trusted coworkers. May we all have coworkers as fabulous as you. You are a truly amazing group of colleagues and my heart is happy because of the friendships we have made and the work we have done together. #15 As I leave today, I am overflowing with gratitude. May we be fortunate enough to continue our conversations and camaraderie, although we are no longer colleagues. You have been an ideal group of colleagues and I thank you. I do so with a deep appreciation for each of you. #14 My time has come to turn a new page and say goodbye. I wish you all good luck and hope that we keep in touch throughout the years ahead. I am honored to have worked among you and thank you for the chance to be a part of this team. #13 The day has arrived for me to say farewell to a truly amazing set of coworkers. I will miss working with you and wish you all success in your careers and beyond. You are true professionals and warm colleagues. #12 With many thanks to all of you for making my time here so rewarding, it’s time for me to say goodbye. I look forward to keeping in touch with each of you. I will miss your friendship, your advice, your professional strength, and most of all, knowing that I have the best coworkers I could imagine. #11 Today, I set out on a new adventure and must say goodbye for now. I will miss you and thank you for all you’ve given me. As I move on from here, I hold you each of you in my memory, grateful for all the time we spent together. #10 Our professional lives are filled with people who come and go, people we remember, and those who fade. I look forward to continuing our friendships and I wish you each the very best. More importantly, I leave with friends I once called colleagues. #9 Today, I leave here knowing more than when I arrived. I hope to stay in contact and wish you all the best. #8 What a wonderful gift I received, working with you! Thank you for showing me kindness, sharing your wisdom, and creating a place I’ve been happy to spend my working hours. I hope our paths intersect time and again. I’m sad to be leaving yet excited for what lies ahead, for me and for all of you. #7 It’s been said that the people make a place, and I can genuinely say that it’s all of you who make this a great workplace. Thanks to each of you, I’ll never forget my time here. #6 As I move on to the next chapter of my professional life, I thank you for being a remarkable set of people whom I’ve greatly enjoyed working with. I wish you all the best and bid you all farewell. I’ll always cherish our friendships and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you’ve given me. During our time working together, you became more of a family than a group of coworkers. #5 Thank you for giving me a professional home. Thank you for helping me through my time here and thank you in advance for keeping in touch. #4 Some people think of “work” as a four-letter word, but working with you has been time spent with truly great people. Though today is my last working day here, instead of saying goodbye, I’ll say until we meet again. Working with you has been a true privilege. Thank you for sharing the wins and losses, the triumphs and the tribulations. #3 Like any great team, you encouraged me, assisted me, and made me better at what we do. It’s been a pleasure getting to know and working with you during my time here. #2 While I may no longer be able to call you my colleagues, I leave with friends, memories, and lessons learned from each of you. I will miss working with you and wish you all great things. I cannot thank you enough for the lessons you’ve taught me and the friendship you’ve so freely given. #1 It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to you. Here are 100 good farewell “thank you” messages and quotes to send to your colleagues on your last working day with a company.

Lightscape you leave me here